Independence is a Habitat community in Immokalee, now home to 157 Habitat families. This neighborhood is constructed on 50 acres of land on Lake Trafford Road, just west of Lake Trafford Elementary School. Built in two phases, this community took about two years to complete.
The 50 acres of land that Independence is built upon was sold to Habitat by the Price family at an affordable cost of $390,000. Because of the generosity of individuals and families like the Prices, Habitat is able to purchase land at a cost that allows us to build affordably. Since Habitat homeowners purchase their homes with an affordable mortgage and ultimately pay the cost of land and materials, it is imperative that Habitat acquires land as economically as possible.
By making this land available at a cost-effective price, the Price family made the goal of homeownership possible for 157 grateful families who are able to raise their children in safe, stable homes.

Independence Statistics