Planned Giving With Habitat Collier
Planned giving is for those who wish to build a legacy—regardless of age or income. Strange as it may seem, a planned gift can be simple to do and cost very little. Your planned gift to Habitat Collier will create a lasting impact through the safety and stability of affordable homeownership.

What is Planned Giving?
Learn more about what planned giving is and how any gift —no matter the size—makes a big impact for families in our community.

Create a Will for Free
Creating your legal will is easy with this trusted resource from our partners at FreeWill. With this free tool, you can complete a will, advance care directive, and more!

Sample Language
View sample language to include in wills and trusts, including: bequest language, cash bequests, percentage of an estate, residual amount or remaining interest, tangible asset or property.

Best Assets for Giving

Donor Stories
Read stories from donors and volunteers who have made planned gifts to Habitat for Humanity of Collier County.